Three Ways To Heat A Cold Room In Your Home

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This time of year is the worst for drafts as the winds pick up and the seasons begin to change. Sometimes this can cause a cold room in your home. Sometimes there are very simple fixes for this to try. So let’s take a look at three ways you can heat a cold room in your home.

1.) Make sure ALL registers are open in the home

Sometimes we think closing vents in warmer rooms will help force air into colder rooms. Doing this can unbalance the furnace’s airflow throughout the home’s ductwork. This can cause insufficient heat to flow to certain rooms. The best solution is to make sure all of your registers are open and air moves through them freely.

2.) Think about relocating the thermostat

If your thermostat is near rooms that are always warm, and the rooms further away are colder, consider moving the thermostat to a more central location in the home. Ideally this is in a location you feel is the perfect temperature. Just make sure it is not to close to vents or in direct sunlight.

3.) Bring heat in from a warmer room

Sometimes the solution is as simple as borrowing heat from a room that tends to run warmer than the rest. A room to room ventilator is an affordable solution that can be controlled via thermostat so they only run when they need to.

Cool Heat is here to help you with any of your heating and cooling needs! Call us today to schedule an appointment!

Beata Velyvyte